Give students the opportunity to participate in technical training and internships without sacrificing security or putting additional monitoring responsibilities on administrative staff. Prepare students early for independence by developing the vital character traits necessary to succeed in a professional work environment.

Authorize Guardians
Take the guess work out of releasing students with approved guardians.

Automate Late Dismissal
When students must leave early for work release or other programs, make it a breeze.

No User Limit
You can run the application as many times as necessary, no restrictions.

Keep Accurate Records
Throw away your binders and spreadsheets - KeepnTrack will do it for you.

Centralize Operations
Configure all connected devices for each of your locations, all in one dashboard.

Allow Quick Access
Don't let students miss a second of learning by making campus access fast.
Even students can get in and out faster
Print and issue tardy slips
Don't hold up tardy students in the office, depriving them of even more time in class. Print slips or badges in a flash, and you can even specify the reason - these are all customizable fields and options in the KeepnTrack software suite.

Improve the Educational Experience for Students
Foster Accountability
Help students feel invested in their education, and therefore more likely to meaningfully participate, by making them responsible for their own attendance.
Unify Protocols
Maintain a reassuring atmosphere of order and consistency by removing variations and human error that often happen as a result of analog record keeping.
Focus on Education
Improve the overall learning environment by stripping educators of duties not directly related to learning, such as logging and monitoring attendance.