Administrator Videos
Running Reports
Getting Started with KeepnTrack: Running Reports
Let’s take a look at how to run Administration reports in KeepnTrack. Log in to your Administration, go to Tools, and open Reports.
Reports are divided into Classification, or person type, with Information and History reports for each. Information reports will be things like Contact Information, Family Volunteer hours, Person Details, and so on.
History reports will include things like Activity Details, Activity Lists, and volunteer Hours.
Special reports have general Account and Facility Details, Activity Lists and People Here Today, and Background Check reports.
Select the classification of report you want, such as a Volunteer History report, and a specific report type like an Activity List.
Choose a Sort By such as Last Name.
Next, make Report Selections such as specifying the Facility (Jefferson), choosing a date range or number of Volunteer Hours, entering specific Person Info, or filling in an Activity Type.
Let’s select a Volunteer Type, for Parent. When you are ready, click ‘Run Report’.
Click the wrench at the top to open Operation Management. Here, you can view your report and save the PDF. Click the mail icon to email the report PDF.
Remember, if you just want a quick report of ‘People Here Now’, or ‘Late Arrivals’, you can do that right from the Attended Kiosk with the Quick Reports drop-down menu.
For questions, call KeepnTrack Customer Support at 1-800-320-5830 or email support@
Sex Offender Checks
KeepnTrack : Sex-Offender Check
In this video you will learn how to run Sex Offender Checks on people visiting your facility.
There are several ways to do this. You can run checks on current records in your database, for ‘Person’ records and for volunteer application records, and on visitors as they sign in to the Kiosk.
We’ll start by looking at running a check manually through Administration, Person Management.
Here, you have your general People records. To run a check on any record, it must have a birthdate.
Select the record, go to the Checks tab, and click on the Perform Sex Offender Check button.
If there are no results, you’ll see this window. KeepnTrack still records that a check was run, and notes there were no matches.
When you get results, you will have the information you are trying to match on the left, possible matches in the middle, and the offender records on the right.
At the bottom right, you can choose if a record is or is not a match. You will go through and mark each result. If you are unsure, you can always come back to it later by closing the window, and later running the check again.
When you choose Not a Match, that choice is remembered, and this record will not show up as a possible match next time.
When you choose This is a Match, the record will be saved as a match, and you have the choice to deny or allow the person access based on that result.
Your choice will be recorded with a date and the operator's name.
If you selected a match and had more potential matches that were unprocessed, you’ll be able to choose what to do with the rest of those records. We recommend processing them one by one, as it IS possible for a person to have more than one sex offender record.
KeepnTrack remembers each record you mark as a match or not, so you only have to do this once. If you think you made a mistake, you can Reset the check, then running the check will bring up all possible matches again.
Not only can you run Sex Offender checks, but also Background Checks on Volunteers and Staff. Call us to find out more, 1-800-347-6439.
Volunteer Applications
Of course you can also run Sex Offender checks through Applications. In this case, you can not allow or deny this person access, as they are not an official ‘person’ in your system yet. But the results of the check are recorded, and can be used when you determine whether or not to accept or reject this application.
If you have Sex Offender Checks enabled in Workstation Management for that station, checks are automatically run whenever a) a new visitor signs in and creates a person record, b) whenever an old visitor or volunteer signs in; you’ll only notice this if that check finds any new possible matches.
In an Attended Kiosk, you will see results immediately and make a determination from there.
(He’s showing up because we Reset his checks)
Note if you close the window without processing all the records, this person will not be signed in, and their status will be set to Pending.
In the Kiosk, if you mark an SOR match, you have the option to Allow Once then block. This means that person can sign in this time only, after that their access will be Denied.
In the Self-Service Kiosk, Keepntrack will perform the check in the background; if it finds possible matches, it will not let the person sign in.
You will need to enable or disable Sex Offender checks for every station. Logged in to your station, use the link in the actions menu to open Workstation Management.
On this left control strip, click on Station.
Under Station Preferences, you will see the check box to Enable Sex Offender Checks for Visitors and Volunteers. If you do not want Sex Offender checks at this station, uncheck the box, and the preference will save automatically.
Note the warning here; if your preference settings ‘never require a birthdate for sign-in’, but you have SOR checks ON, the checks will be run on name only; this may mean a lot of potential matches that aren’t very useful. We recommend you require the birthdate when Sex Offender Checks are enabled.
If you have any questions about the sex offender checks in KeepnTrack, contact KeepnTrack Customer Support at 1-800-320-5830, or support@
Background Checks
Background Checks
This video goes over setting up and running KeepnTrack Background Checks.
In order to run KeepnTrack Background Checks, the operator must be assigned a security group with the appropriate permissions.
Log in to your administration and go to Tools, Security. Click on a Security Group on the left, and unlock the record. There is an option for Criminal Background Checks—if checked, people with this Security Group can run KeepnTrack background checks.
In Person Management, locate the person you want to be able to run those background checks. In this case, he is assigned to the Operator Security Group, which does not allow background checks. I can change the Security to Administrator, which will give this person permission. However, it will also give him permission to do the other things Administrators are allowed to do.
So if that isn’t going to work for you, you could create a new Security Group, for example Admin-CBC (for criminal background checks), to indicate someone of Operator level who is allowed to run background checks, (but perhaps not these other things), then assign your person to that special security group.
In order to run background checks, you will need available tokens in your account. Each check takes one token.
Log in as an operator who has Background Check permissions.
To see your remaining checks, go to your People records and select a record. Click on the Checks tab. You will see Tokens Remaining.
To purchase more tokens for your account, please contact our Sales Department (1-800-347-6439).
NOTE: Running another check on the same record within 24 hours will perform the same check and not use a token.
Running Checks: People
You can perform background checks on any Person records or Application records on your account, but they must have the birthdate entered in the record.
Select the record. Check under the Overview tab that the birthdate is entered. Click on the Checks tab, and there is a button to Perform Background Check.
After a few moments, you are presented with a list of possible matches. The information you are checking is on the left, the list of possible matches is in the middle, sorted by Offense Category, and the details of the selected possible match are on the right.
You can use the arrow keys to move up and down in the list, and check the relevant information.
When you have finished looking through the results, it’s time to make a determination. Press Finish and Set Access.
Has this person passed their background check? Select Allow Access—Passed, which will allow this person entry into your system by setting their status to Active.
Did this person fail their background check? Set their status to Access Denied so they can not sign in to your facility.
Are you unsure about this person? Perhaps you can’t determine if a record matches, or if an offense is serious or minor, and you need to follow up with someone else. In this case, choose Defer, which sets the Background Check status to ‘Deferred’; you can easily find Deferred records at a later time.
Notes—enter any notes about your determination, for example the case number or any questions you might have had. These notes will be available in the background check history.
Make your selection, enter your notes, and click Continue to save those results to the person’s record.
Running Checks: Volunteers
Running background checks on your volunteer applications will be slightly different, because these records are not officially ‘person’ records in the database. When you Finish a background check from Applications, you have the same options to mark the Background Check as Passed, Failed, or Deferred, but the person’s status will NOT be set until their application is accepted or rejected. When you reject an application you have the choice to make that person Access Denied.
Running Checks: No Results
For both people and volunteer applications, it’s possible there won’t be any potential matches. In this case, you are still presented with the same window so you can choose if the person passed or failed their check.
From any person or application record you can see the Background Check History; the date, operator, results, the check, and any notes.
Other Background Checks
If you use a different database to run background checks, you can still mark the background check status in KeepnTrack. Click the status to change it; these manual changes are also recorded in background check history.
You can also run a report to see previous background checks and token usage. From Tools, open Reports. Under the Special category, click on Background Checks, and you can run a Background Check List. This can be overall, or only those checks run by a specified operator, and/or checks run during a date range.
The report you can run here will show all purchases of tokens, and all uses of tokens, including the name of the operator who used the token, and the person the background check was performed on.
If you have any questions or need assistance using the KeepnTrack Background Check, please call KeepnTrack Customer Support at 1-800-320-5830 or email support@