National Bully Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
September 28, 2019
Sacred Heart Schools - Visitor Management Software Case Study
Sacred Heart School — Case Study
November 6, 2019
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Observe National Safe Schools Week with Students

Americas School Safety Week
America's Safe Schools Week is October 21-27th. An annual occurrence, Safe Schools Week aims to make schools safer and more secure during the third week of October. It is also National Bullying Prevention Month. We have a list of activities and resources to help educators address bullying and keep schools safe.

Safe Schools Week Activities

Acts of Kindness

Research has shown that to prevent bullying, it's most effective to work on the development of social skills. This activity is designed to help students display positive social skills towards one another and build a community within the school.

You'll need:
  • felt pens
  • pieces of paper
  • large jar

Activity Description: The teacher or educator can introduce the activity by discussing what kindness means in the school by describing what it looks like, feels like, or sounds like. The instructor can then ask the students for one or two examples of kindness that they've seen that week and will demonstrate filling out a piece of paper based on the example. Kindness cards can be made available for students and staff to fill out over the week to be placed into a jar. At the end of the week, hold a celebration to mark acts of kindness submitted by students. You can read select cards out loud for other students to hear and provide recognition for their kind acts.
Don't Be a Monster
Have you seen our free Bullying Prevention Poster? Be sure to download the poster here!

Paper Chains United

The school community can be powerful when everyone is united together. Create a sense of unity with a paper chains activity to unite against bullying. You'll need a few pens, strips of paper, and tape. On each strip of paper, ask students to write what they will do to prevent and/or respond to bullying behavior.

At the end of the semester, you can review with students to see if they achieved what they wrote down. You can use this activity throughout the school year to help students reflect and grow.

Books to Help Teach about Bullying

Here are three books that are highly recommended by tweens as engaging and providing an insightful lesson on dealing with bullies.

Track, Manage + Report

Are you looking for gaps to improve efficiency and reduce administrative costs. KeepnTrack has endless options to fit your unique needs, such as:

  • Screen Visitors
  • Send and Recieve Alerts
  • Powerful Reports for State and Local Boards
  • Track Volunteer and Visitor Hours
  • and so much more!

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