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How You Can Impact Student Achievement

KeepnTrack Administrators

Administrators make impacts big and small. If you are a school administrator, principal, or educational leader the decisions you make throughout the school year affect the success of teachers in the classroom and ultimately the achievements students can accomplish.

We put together three skills every administrator should be implementing when it comes to setting objectives and goals for student achievement.


3 Ways to Positively Impact Student Achievement


Setting Objectives

Administrators who set clear objectives have the greatest impact. Stating direction helps faculty members understand the purpose of activities and programs. Letting your faculty know the objectives of the organization can give them the opportunity to contribute and play active roles in student success.

Defining the Right Objectives for Student Success

Setting goals for an institution can vary from school to school depending on the needs of your staff and student body. When defining your administrative objectives, you must consider what is relevant to the role you want your school to play in students’ intellectual and personal development. Administrators can set objectives like helping students find their voice, providing the resources for students to follow their passions, implementing mentoring programs, and much more.

Check out this resource for principals on objectives and goal setting.


Developing and Nurturing People

As great leaders, you must nurture and help to develop those you are leading. There are two fundamental leadership roles administrators play to make impacts on student achievement, instructional leadership, and emotional intelligence. Instructional leadership consists of establishing the school’s mission, managing educational programs, and providing a positive learning environment. Whereas emotional intelligence is more about connecting, empathizing, and understanding those who follow you on a personal level. These two leadership roles combined help staff and students feel empowered to learn and the support to do so.

How to Develop People

Student achievement is built upon the success of staff. Without teachers who are prepared professionally and have a passion for education, students are left without the support they need to be successful. To develop your staff, look for ways to support their work. From professional development sessions to group book clubs and faculty discussion sessions– these are just a few ways to kickstart a support system in your school.

To develop your staff on an individual level take time to observe classes and provide constructive feedback. You can also create a mentoring program where other teachers can peer-observe and create a program of feedback and support among teachers. Learn how you can boost teacher morale and support your staff to be successful.


Administrators and Student Achievement

Ultimately, as administrators, you have a lot of goals. You are continually striving to create a school that empowers educators and students while providing instructional guidance. That’s a huge task! Student achievement is a chain reaction of leaders who develop and guide teachers and in turn educate and inspire students in the classroom.

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