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November Posters and Faculty Appreciation

educational week
It's November and a time where we can sit back and reflect on all the things we are grateful for. From faculty to parents and students, there is a lot to be thankful for this school year!

This month's poster is to celebrate educators' hard work in teaching and instilling knowledge into our students. Make sure to download the poster below. We've also included 10 ways you can thank teachers for their hard work.

November's Education Poster


10 Ways to Show Your Gratitude to Faculty

We are only a few months into the school year. But, as the holiday's pick up, show your faculty how grateful you are for their hard work in making the school and students successful. Here are 10 ways you can say thank you to teachers and staff.

1| Send a handwritten note. Include something specific that makes them stand out in your experience. This is a nice way to show them you appreciate that they are making a difference in the lives of others.

2| Give a call. On a weekend or in the evening, call one of the school staff members and tell them how much you appreciate their dedication. Be sure to mention specific examples that exemplify what makes you grateful for them.

3| Create a spotlight page on your school website to highlight a different staff member each month.

4| In your daily announcements, remind students to show appreciation to their teachers in a variety of ways. Provide a stack of notecards and envelopes in the front office where students can pick up a card and write a note to their teachers.

5| During Fall and Winter, afternoon meetings can end when the sun is long gone. You can surprise staff by ending faculty meetings early or dismiss the meeting entirely so faculty can spend the evening with their families.

6| If you can't cancel a faculty meeting, opt to provide food like bagels or veggie and fruit trays to let your teachers know you value their time and are thankful for their participation.

7| Encourage mental health days. Just as not feeling well physically can impact the quality of work, so can emotionally not feeling well. Check in on teachers and let them know it's okay if they need to take a day to catch up and feel better.

8| For teachers who feel overwhelmed, offer to watch their classroom for an hour or two so they can catch up on their work or take some needed personal time.

9| Hold a drawing for one lucky teacher to win a full day where they can catch up on things like filing, lesson plan ideas, and more while they have a substitute to manage their class. Teachers would still be working that day, but focusing on tasks they have yet to reach because of their other daily responsibilities.

10| Don't forget about other faculty members like secretaries, janitors, specialty teachers, and volunteers at your school. You can show your appreciation by asking a local business to cater a luncheon at your school just for your faculty and staff.

How do you show your gratitude to the faculty at your school? Let us know in the comments below!

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