KeepnTrack Blog

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November 6, 2019

Sacred Heart School — Case Study

Sacred Heart School in California was looking for a better way to track, manage, and report on everyone who stepped foot in their campus.
September 30, 2019

Observe National Safe Schools Week with Students

It's America's Safe Schools Week October 21-27th and National Bullying Prevention Month. Check out these activities to help educators keep schools safe!
September 28, 2019

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is Bullying Prevention Month. Make sure to download our free poster to encourage students to stand and speak up against bullying.
August 28, 2019

Suicide Prevention in Schools

There are specific, actionable steps educators can take in areas of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. In this article, we’ll provide suicide prevention resources to help school administrators and faculty understand the warning signs.
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February 8, 2017

Campus Shooting Prevented

It seems like every month there is a campus shooting somewhere in America. In fact, there were 15 campus shootings in 2016 alone. The Media always seems to ask questions on how the shooting could have been stopped. Finally, we have a story of how a campus shooting was prevented. […]
March 1, 2017

Don’t Overlook This Important Security Tool

It seems like schools everywhere are always finding new technologies to make their campuses a safer place. Many of these campuses need upgrades and/or new ways to protect their students and faculty. Today, there are many video camera products and softwares used to monitor what goes on in the halls of […]
March 9, 2017

Protect Yourself When Running

There are many ways to protect yourself these days. You can carry a gun, learn muay thai, wear a helmet, etc. Today, we are going to focus on protecting yourself when going on a run. Not only is there the chance that you can be chased and attacked by a […]
April 3, 2017

Risk Management Pt. 1

First, risk management needs be to understood clearly. For schools, risk management is the “process of managing uncertainty of exposures that affect a school district’s assets and financial statements using the five steps: identification, analysis, control, financing and administration.” As stated, risk management goes beyond financial losses, but also to the school’s […]