Don’t Overlook This Important Security Tool
March 1, 2017
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Risk Management Pt. 1
April 3, 2017
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Protect Yourself When Running

There are many ways to protect yourself these days. You can carry a gun, learn muay thai, wear a helmet, etc. Today, we are going to focus on protecting yourself when going on a run.

Not only is there the chance that you can be chased and attacked by a dog, but there is a chance that a predator can be following you.

Here are some safety precautions you can take:

  1. Run with a partner
    • Not only can running with a partner make your run more enjoyable, but it is more unlikely chance of being attacked in a pair rather than being alone.
  2. Don’t run with headphones
    • Now I know a lot of people, including myself, love listening to fun music while running, but doing so allows for a dog, an attacker, or even a cyclist to get too close to you and possibly resulting in something bad. Maybe try the speaker on your phone instead of headphones.
  3. Be seen
    • There is nothing more important, especially at night, than being seen by others. Make sure to wear fun and bright colors that allow for others to see you in order to avoid being hit by a car or if in danger you can be seen when flagging someone down for help.
  4. Pepper spray
    • That’s right, pepper spray is not only a great way to keep a stranger away, but can also keep chasing dogs away.

To be frank, going for a run shouldn’t be dangerous. There is a better chance of you rolling your ankle. But being prepared in case something else comes at you is important.

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