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Importance of Failure: It Shapes Your Success

importance of failure

How many times have you failed at something? Didn’t get the interview, make the team, or got the right answer. Did something better come out of your failure?
Failure is always guaranteed and inevitable. Just ask anyone! Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling– this is only a handful of people who failed at something in their life. Thomas Edison, inventor, and businessman failed 1,000 times while inventing the light bulb. Among Edison’s 1,093 patents, only 15 of his inventions change the world. But, he and many others before and after, learned something new and valuable every time they failed.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]


The Importance of Failure


Change Your Mindset

People associate failure with defeat. “That’s it, that’s all. Close up shop! We’re done here……” That most certainly isn’t the case. Failure doesn’t mean the end, it just means you need to find a different road. We place ourselves in a negative mindset about failure. Think back on your failures; would you take any of them back? What did you gain and learn from your failures?
When we fail we learn, grow, and thrive. We gain new perspectives on the world around us. Failure forces people out of the comfort zone and challenges them to make great leaps. This is the importance of failure!Failure is the Stepping Stone to Success

Failure has shaped all of our lives. From adolescence to adulthood, failure has been the ever-present, master teacher in all things. If we always feared failure, we would be walking on eggshells and living a subpar, mediocre life.

It’s also a life resume builder of experience for the future. By learning from failure, we can know our weakness and operate inside our zones of strength.

Tip: We don’t have to fail personally to learn from failure. Take a look at 33 Entrepreneurs Who Share Their Biggest Lessons Learned from Failure.


Failure teaches us about love, relationships, money, business, and people. Failure sets the stage for us to reach our goals. We can use failure as a teaching tool to improve skills like problem-solving, leadership, communication, decision making, learning, and so on. Think of failure like this: every decision we make has a 50% chance of success, and a 100% guarantee to teach you something new in the process.


How to Use Failure in the Classroom

At its core, failure is a teaching tool. Teaching students that even adults try and fail, time and time after again is important. But, teaching the importance of failure is also about teaching perseverance.

Challenge students! In this fast pace world of digital technology, students have all sorts of information at their fingertips. They can find answers to anything in seconds, and Google does all the work for them. Give them questions that are theoretical, nearly unanswerable. Challenge them to think and be creative. Failure is essential in the classroom because it can teach students dedication, critical thinking skills, creativity, and expanding their minds beyond given formulas and standardized thinking.


importance fo failure


Saftey and Management

Giving students the tools to learn and be successful is on every educator’s mind. But, in today’s world so is keeping students safe. With the flow of visitors, parents, staff, and vendors to our schools, the need for security is key.

Learn how KeepnTrack can help you manage visitors, students, and volunteers to ensure the safety and security of your school.



1 Comment

  1. […] Makerspaces allow students to fail, which is a lesson in of itself. But, makerspaces most importantly foster questions and gives students the opportunity to experience how and why a concept works. Students are encouraged to come up with new and innovated ideas to solve problems and in turn, it helps them understand better and apply the concepts they have learned. […]

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